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Cashes Green Primary School and Children's Centre

Care and Support Helps Everyone Succeed

  1. Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. RE

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Subject Leader: Jo Hall (

Religious Education at Cashes Green


It is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to explore diverse moral and religious questions.  We encourage them to consider and study different religious beliefs, values and traditions in order to develop an understanding of the numerous faiths that are in today’s diverse society and wider world.

RE teaches pupils to develop respect for each other, including people with different faiths and beliefs and helps to challenge prejudice. Through our teaching of RE we seek to encourage empathy, generosity and compassion thus prompting pupils to consider their responsibilities to themselves and others to explore how they might contribute to their communities and the wider world.

Link to Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus

Our Key Skills - from the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus


Making Sense of Beliefs

  • copy from the syllabus 

Understanding the Impact

  • copy from the syllabus

Making Connections

  • copy from the syllabus

Year 1

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • identify core beliefs and concepts studied and give a simple description of what they mean.
  • Give examples of how stories show what people believe.

 Understanding the Impact

  • Give examples of how people use stories, texts and teachings to guide their beliefs and actions 

Making Connections

  • Think, talk and ask questions about whether the ideas they have been studying have something to say to them. 


Year 2

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • identify core beliefs and concepts studied and give a simple description of what they mean.
  • Give clear and simple accounts of what stories and other texts mean to believers

 Understanding the Impact

  • Give examples of ways in which believers put their beliefs into practice.

Making Connections

  • Give a good reason for the views they have and the connections they make. 


Year 3

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • identify and describe the core beliefs and concepts studied
  • Make clear links between texts/ sources of authority and the key concepts studied

 Understanding the Impact

  • Describe how people show their beliefs in how they worship and in the way they live.
  • Identify some differences in how people put their beliefs into practice

Making Connections

  • Make links between some of the beliefs and practices studied and life in the world today, expressing some ideas of their own clearly. 

Year 4

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • identify and describe the core beliefs and concepts studied
  • Offer suggestions about what texts/sources of authority can mean and give examples of what these sources mean to believers.

 Understanding the Impact

  • Make simple links between stories, teachings and concepts studied and how people live, individually and in the communities.

Making Connections

  • Raise important questions and suggest answers about how far the beliefs and practices studied might make a difference to how pupils think and live.
  • Give a good reason for the views they have and the connections they make.


Year 5

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • Identify and explain the core beliefs and concepts studied, using examples from sources of authority in religions.
  • Describe examples of ways in which people use texts/ sources of authority to make sense of core beliefs and concepts

 Understanding the Impact

  • Make clear connections between what people believe and how they live, individually and in communities.

Making Connections

  • Make connections between the beliefs and practices studied, evaluating and explaining their importance to different people (e.g. believers and atheists)
  • Reflection and articulate lessons people might gain from beliefs/practices studied, including their responses, recognising that others may think differently.


Year 6

Making Sense of Beliefs

  • Identify and explain the core beliefs and concepts studied, using examples from sources of authority in religions.
  • Give meanings for texts/ sources of authority studied, comparing these ideas with ways in which believers interpret texts/sources of authority

 Understanding the Impact

  • Using evidence and examples, show how and why people put their beliefs into practice in different ways, e.g. in different communities, denominations or cultures.

Making Connections

  • Make connections between the beliefs and practices studied, evaluating and explaining their importance to different people (eg believers and atheists)
  • Consider and weigh up how ideas studied in this unit relate to their own experiences and experiences of the world today, giving insights of their own and giving good reasons for the views they have and the connections they make.

Our Key Vocabulary

 Does the syllabus have something? Everyone else is inserting a pdf for each year group for each part of the curriculum.

Do we need subject specific vocabulary too for each unit? Could we put that on the coverage overview?

Coverage in Our Curriculum