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or to contact Mrs Eeley please email
Reminders/Class Notices:
P.E. - Until the summer we need to wear our PE kit EVERY Monday and Wednesday.
Swimming - we are swimming at Archway Wednesdays 1st May, 8th May and 15th May, we need to bring our kit in a carrier bag and make sure long hair can be tied back
Forest School - we have Forest School every Tuesday for 5 weeks from Tuesday 30th April (last one 4th June). The weather should be getting better and we should all have wellies in school anyway, but remember even if it's raining we will be outside so please make sure we have our coats.
Reading Records - signatures will be counted each Thursday. We can read to ourselves but the record must be signed by an adult.
Help with practising your spellings.
Here are lots of games you can play to practise your spellings. I'll update this every time we have a new pattern we are looking at as I make the games. Remember, your homework is to play on Spelling Shed at least 3 times. But if you want to get better, more practise might be needed and hopefully these are at least slightly fun! Just like in school, play the game as it loads first please because it definitely works like that, but there are lots of other options you can try if you like too.
Adding suffixes to root words ending in -fer
Time adverbs
-ibly and -ably adverbs
-ible and -able adjectives
-cious, -tious and -ious adjectives
-tial and -cial words
-ant, -ent, -ance, -ence, -ancy and -ency words
silent letters - some at the start and some in the middle
Term 6 - Armstrong
Below is our topic web showing what we are covering this term. We have been really excited to find out about the planets and are really looking forward to finding out lots more about the space race.
Friday 12th July
We have had such a busy term. We have made planets, painted a rocket in space scene, visited the nursing home to sing to the residents, Bollywood danced, visited Archway and Marling for activity days and worked hard completing all our work!
It has been a great year and we are all really excited to move into Year 6. We even fitted in a morning with Miss Jordan to get us ready.
Term 5 - Kensuke's Kingdom
Friday 3rd May
We have had a great couple of weeks working on our new topic. In computing we have loved using Google Draw to create some awesome pictures. Check them out below. We have also enjoyed learning about how and why the Titanic sunk during our History lessons. In Maths we have been looking at the link between fractions, decimals and percentages. All the children have worked really hard in these lessons and are really getting it.
We have had a really busy start to the new term. In Geography we remembered the Water Cycle from our lessons in Year 4 because in English we were building up to writing a new text type (explanation) about how the water cycle works. To help us remember the vocabulary involved and the order of the process we used our creativity to present the diagram in our way. Then we read several picture books and found out some more interesting facts about water and after considering these we wrote poems called 'The Drop in my Drink'. We used our computing skills and creativity again to present these to be published here on our class page. We chose whether to use an iPad or a laptop, which program, typed it up and decided how we wanted it to look on the page, Some of us then illustrated our poem by hand and others inserted digital images. Finally, we wrote our explanations - these are in our topic books. They were all factually accurate explanations (a really tricky text type!) including all the right technical vocabulary and drawing the diagram ourselves from scratch. We've also learnt how to hyperlink slides in PowerPoint and are in the middle of making an interactive text about the water cycle, including a true or false quiz. We'll share them when they're finished! We've learnt so much and worked very hard.
Did you know water is the only material naturally occurring on the planet in all three states of matter? Did you know that all the water on our planet today has always been here moving round the water cycle for as long as the Earth has been in existence? Where have the water drops been that are in your drink today?
If you click above, they'll load bigger, but they're all here too: link to photos
Below is our topic web showing what we will be covering this term.
Friday 1st March
We have had a great start to term. We are loving our new topic and finding out about World War II. We also loved our trip to the Swindon Steam Museum. Check out our topic web below to see what we are learning about this term.
Friday 2nd February
We have had a really busy time in Year 5. We have been looking at the front cover of our book to create our own front covers for our topic books. You'll be able to see these next week during our class assembly.
In Maths we have been looking at standard written methods for multiplication and division. We have been doing really well at this, everyone has tried really hard. Knowing our times tables really helps with this so well done those that have been learning them!
In writing we have been writing diary entries thinking about the characters in the story and how they would be thinking at different parts of the book.
We hope you can join us next week for our assembly.
Wednesday 17th January
This term our book is Wonder. See below for our topic web showing you what we are learning this term. This term our main focus is about mental health. We have already had some really interesting conversations about resilience and how we can become more resilient.
Friday 10th November
This term our book is Street Child. See below for our topic web showing you what we are learning this term.
We have really enjoyed our first week finding out lots of information about the Victorians.
Friday 27th October
Wow what a busy term we have had. Everyone has worked so hard in their first term as Year 5s and I am really proud of all of them,
We have started our multiplication and division block in Maths and the children have shown a good understanding of their times tables (although we still need to work on them to get our recall as quick as possible). We have finished our Art products which are going to be the front covers for our topic books. We painted our own rainforest animals in the style of Nick Gustafson. In Geography, we wrote our final pieces looking at the differences between Manaus in South America and Stroud and deciding which place we would rather live in. Stroud High came in again this week and we did a music session with them this time. After half term we have another music and two Maths sessions with them before we go to visit them for the day at the end of November.
Friday 13th October
A massive thank you to everyone that came along to our assembly it was great getting to perform in front of such a large audience. We worked really hard to learn our lines and showed great confidence when performing.
In our lessons we have been working really hard in Maths looking at standard written methods for addition and subtraction. We have (most of the time) nailed the method now and as long as we avoid simple mistakes we can solve problems confidently. In our English we have been writing our information texts about Rainforest animals. We have really enjoyed researching the information and finding out lots of interesting facts.
Finally, we have been working hard in our Art lessons. Designing our own Art work based on the Rainforest paintings by Nick Gustafson. Next week we will be painting these and getting them ready as our front covers for our topic books.
Friday 29th September
We have been working hard for the last couple of weeks in Year 5. In our Maths we have been looking at place value and rounding numbers (we even did some chalking to help us on the playground). We have really enjoyed finding out more about our book and exploring the Rainforest in Brazil during our Geography sessions. We have been finding out about the different Biomes around the world. In our Science we have been looking at flowering plants and we will be carrying out our own investigations over the next few weeks.
We also had a visit from Stroud High School teachers and students and they will be visiting for the next few weeks on a Wednesday afternoon. This week we did some Science activities. We have some more Science, Music, Languages and Maths activities to look forward to.
We are really looking forward to the 13th of October when we will be performing our class assembly to the rest of the school. We really hope lots of you can make it to watch us in action!
Friday 15th September 2023
What a fantastic start to Year 5 we have all had. We have started reading our book, The Explorer by Katherine Rundell, and have been doing lots of topic work based on the book. You can see all the work we will be doing this term below.
We have been busy doing some writing about what it is like in the Rainforest, what we would need to help us survive and some letter to get people to rescue us!