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Year 3

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Welcome to the Year 3 page of Cashes Green. Please read on to find out important information about the class and the exciting things we are doing in school.

Update 12/7/24


I cannot believe we have come to the end of such a wonderful year. I have loved teaching this class and I am so proud of all of their progress. Everyone has worked really hard, learnt lots and we have had plenty of fun along the way!


In the last two weeks we have been on two different trips; to Westonbirt Arboretum for an amazing session learning about art in nature, and lots of fun exploring and finding the Gruffalo trail. We had another email saying how fantastic we are at Cashes Green and I was so proud. We also had an amazing trip to Cheltenham for the Music Festival, complete with a live orchestra and dancing.


We have been learning lots about shape, writing instructions, coding and learning all about plants.


I hope you all have an amazing summer holiday and I know you will all be brilliant in Year 4.

Welcome back for the final term!

Our current topic is based around the book The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd:

This term we will be learning about lots of different things in the following subjects:


In English we will be writing our own parts of the story about a dragon getting up to mischief! We will also be writing an instruction text on how to train a dragon.


In Maths we are continuing to learn about time. We will then be looking at shapes and statistics.


In Science we are learning all about plants. We are learning about the parts of a plant, how they grow and how plants spread their seeds differently.


In Art we are focusing on colour this term. We will be creating our own pieces based on Vincent van Gogh's work on flowers.


In Computing this term we are programming and making a project on scratch.

Please note that:

  • Reading records need to be brought in every day to help us monitor your child's progress. We count signatures every Thursday ready for certificates in Friday's celebration assembly.
  • Wellies need to be kept in school for welly days.  Please make sure that your child has a labeled pair in school;
  • PE kits to be worn into school on Mondays.
  • Homework is set on a Friday and needs to be in by the following Thursday. Please see the newsletter on 22/9/23 and Seesaw for more info. 
  • On Friday afternoon, we will have show and tell based on our current topic. The children can bring in items or work they have done at home related to our topic to show the rest of the class.


Friday 3rd May 2024

What a busy few weeks! The children have been working really hard and have thoroughly enjoyed their spy training so far.


The children have been writing their own version of a chapter in Agent Asha - Mission Shark Bytes. They have invented their own gadgets for Asha to be given and included lots of examples of speech.


The last few weeks we have been working on money. The children have been working to recognise different coins and notes, understand how many pennies make a pound, add and subtract money and finding the right change.


 The children have been learning all about light and shadows. They conducted an investigation into opaque, translucent and transparent objects to decide what would be the best material to make spy glasses. They have tested how the distance from a light source changes the size of a shadow, and today have been learning about reflective objects.


In DT we have been making Lego gearbots to learn all about cams as part of a mechanism. I have been so impressed with the levels of teamwork and resilience during these lessons, well done Y3!


The children have been using Adobe Express to create covers for a spy magazine. They have been learning how to add text and images to a document.


In Geography, we have been learning about Europe. The children have been using maps to locate other child spies across europe and to answer questions about different european countries. 

Friday 19th April Update


Welcome to a new term!


Our topic book for term 5 is Agent Asha: Mission Shark Bytes by Sophie Deen.

It's a great story full of spies, tech, and toilet humour. The children are really enjoying it so far!


We will be covering the following during this term:



 In English we will be writing our own chapter on the book and writing about different spy gadgets.


 We will continue learning about Fractions and begin learning about Money and Time.


 Our focus this year is learning about Light. We will be learning how shadows are made and creating spy goggles using opaque, translucent and transparent materials.


This term we are focusing on Europe, comparing Italy and the UK.


For computing we will be creating our own documents, adding images and changing text.

Design Technology

 We are learning about cams and using them to make our own gearbots.

Friday 1st March update

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend our assembly today! The children have worked hard and done such a brilliant job.


Thank you to everyone who has booked a slot for parent’s evening next week, I look forward to seeing you all.


Keep reading to see what we have been up to in Year 3:


In Art we have been looking at different mosaics from around Gloucestershire, copying key features and using them to create our own tessellating images.

In Science, we have been learning about the parts of plants and what they do. We found different plants around the school and drew and labelled them in our books.

In English, we have been learning the story of Escape from Pompeii, following Tranio as he his friend Livia survive one of the greatest disasters of the ancient western world. This week we are re-writing the story from Tranio’s perspective.

Friday 2nd February update


What a busy few weeks we have had so far in Year 3 this term! Keep reading to find out what we have been up to:



In English we have been writing a story based on the pictures from the Red Tree. The children have done a beautiful job writing the first few paragraphs of their own version of the story.


In maths we have finished our main lessons on times tables and will be continuing to practice these during our Basic Skills lessons. Next week we will begin looking at Length and Measurement.



In Science we have continued learning about the human body, including what it needs and how bones and muscles work. Last week we investigated whether there was a link between the age of students and the size of their feet.



This week we made our pizzas! The children did a great job of cutting the vegetables, grating the cheese and even making their own dough. Well done everyone!




Friday 12th January 2024


Welcome back for the New Year everyone!


Our topic this term is based around the book The Red Tree by Shaun Tan:

This book is great for exploring our feelings and learning how we can find hope even when things are hard.


This term we will be learning about the following:


 We will be writing a diary entry from the perspective of the main character in the Red Tree. We will also be using the pictures from the book to write our own story.



 This term we will be continuing with multiplication and division, practising multiplying and dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. We will then move on to length and perimeter.



 Our science topic this term is learning about animals, including humans. We will be learning about what humans need to eat, and what bones and muscles are for.


Forest School

 We have Forest School every Thursday this term. This fits beautifully with our book and thinking about how being out in nature can be good for our mental health. Please make sure children have wellies and coats, especially in the cold weather!


Design Technology

 This term we will be designing and making our own pizzas, thinking about how we can include all of the different food groups we will be learning about in Science. Our first task was to test different products, thinking about packaging and different toppings.


We are dancing this term! The children were off to a great start in their lesson this week.


This term we are learning all about Keeping Safe as part of SCARF. We are also continuing to learn about our brains and how they work with My Happy Mind.

Friday 10th November 2023


Welcome back for a new term everyone!


For this topic, our main book is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes, illustrated by Chris Mould. It's an imaginative story with a peaceful message, and the children are captivated so far by this mysterious giant.

This term, we will be learning about:


 Writing a diary entry from the perspective of the main character in the Iron Man, a little boy called Hogarth. This week we have been learning about the features of a diary, thinking about how we can describe metal, and imagining how we would feel if we came face-to-face with The Iron Man.


 This week we are rounding up our Addition and Subtraction topic, although we will still be practicing this during basic skills maths. We are starting our Multiplication and Division topic next term, beginning with the 3 times table. 


This term we will be learning all about forces and magnets. Today we did an investigation on how different surfaces affect the speed of a moving object.


  In DT this term we are learning all about mechanisms and moving parts. We will be designing our own Christmas cards we a lever and a moving part.


 In History we will be learning all about the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.


 Our Geography topic this term is learning all about coasts.


Friday 27th October Update

Well done for an amazing first term Year 3!

I am so proud of how well the children did in our first class assembly this week. They all did such a fantastic job doing their actions, learning their lines, and the outfits were simply fantastic. The fact they did all this during the last week of a very long term just shows how amazing they all are.


Well done!


I hope everyone has an amazing half term. All of the children have achieved so much during this topic and I can't wait to get started on our new topic next term.


Here is what we have been up to during the last two weeks:



 We have written our past-tense reports about the Stone Age. I was so impressed at how many facts the children were able to independently include in their reports. Great work!



 We have continued our work on addition and subtraction using base ten and counters, and have started looking at column method which we will continue next term.


 We been observing our crystals growing over the last two weeks. We noticed that they formed as squares and grew up the string rather than on the paperclip. They were white even though we had added food colouring to our solution!



We finished our crosshatching of our final sketches. They are now on the covers of our topic book and they look fantastic!




Friday 13th October Update

We have had another busy couple of weeks in Year 3 - the term is flying by and the children are all really settled. Keep reading to find out what we have been up to!



 In English we have been learning about past-tense reports. We have looked at lots of examples of these and will be writing our own to show off our knowledge on the Stone Age next week.



 In Maths we have started focusing on Addition and Subtraction, this week learning about adding and subtracting 1's, 10's and 100's to three-digit numbers


History and Geography

We have been learning about key places and finds from the Stone Age and what they can tell us about life in the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. We learnt about the Red Lady of Paviland, the Cheddar Man, and Hetty Pegler's Tump. We have used compasses and digimaps to look at where long barrows are in relation to our school.


 We have started our final piece based on Chris Mould's Dinosaur postcards. We started line drawings of undersea dinosaurs as we have done lots of work with fossils of ocean creatures. Next week we will be using cross-hatching to add shade to our pieces.



 We have continued learning about rocks and fossils. We looked at some fossils and grouped them depending on what creature we thought they were from and where we thought they were found based on the rocks they were in. This week we have started growing crystals to see how minerals form rocks.


Friday 29th September 2023 Update


What a fantastic few weeks we have had in Year 3! The children are really getting stuck in to our topic on the Stone Age and have nearly finished writing their own versions of the story. Read on to find out what we have been up to:



 We have been writing our own versions of Stone Age Boy, but we have changed the ending so that Om, the girl from the Stone Age, comes back to the modern day. The children have been really creative and I have been very impressed by their use of expanded noun phrases, commas in a list and What +! sentences



In Maths we have been working on place value, learning about hundreds, tens and ones. The children have done really well remembering what they learnt in Year 2 and applying it to new questions.



 In Science we are learning about Rocks and Fossils. We have been exploring the ways rocks are different, and we investigated different soil samples from around school. We learnt that soil is made from rocks, plants and animal matter. Today we used chocolate to represent the fossilisation process - fun and delicious!



We have learnt so much about the Stone Age! We looked at pictures of artefacts that help us (and archaeologists) learn more about the ancient past, including spearheads, grindstones, flint axes and bone needles. We learnt that the Stone Age happened in three different parts - the Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) and the Neolithic (New Stone Age)


Our artist this term is the illustrator Chris Mould. We have been looking at his dinosaur drawing and practicing skills we need to create our own version. We have been practicing different ways of shading, including cross-hatching.

Welcome to Year 3!


We have had a great first week and a half after the summer holidays. It has been lovely getting to know the children and welcoming a few new faces to our school.


This term, our topic is based around Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura.

In our lessons we will be learning about the following things:


 In English, we will be writing our own version of Stone Age Boy, and changing the ending of the story. We will also be writing a past tense report about a dinosaur.


 In Maths we will be learning about Place Value and about Addition and Subtraction.


 Our Science focus this term is Rocks and Fossils


 In History we will be learning all about The Stone Age


In Geography we will focus on human geography and how land use changes over time


Chris Mould is our key artist this term. We will be using his illustrations to learn more about line, space and shape.


 We will have Spanish lessons every Friday with Señora Davidson, starting from 22/9/23. There will also be Spanish club every Tuesday this term.


Our focus for computing this term is Computing Systems and Networks - Connecting Computers. 


So far, we have learnt about some of the different activities people did in the Stone Age. We made our own cave paintings and posters about cooking, making and using tools, using animal skins, and making fire.