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Year 1

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A few little reminders….

FOREST SCHOOL starts on the 30th April so make sure you bring in old clothes or waterproofs and your wellies.

SWIMMING - Year 1 will be swimming on 3rd, 10th 17th and 24th June

  • It is PE on Monday so you need to wear your PE kit to school. If it not raining we will be outside so make sure you wear something warm.
  • Don’t forget to bring in your reading records on Thursday so we can count your reading signatures. I wonder if anyone will get a certificate this week?

Friday 5th July

We have had a busy and exciting couple of weeks. Last week we were very excited when the author of our class book M.P. Robertson came to visit.

He showed us lots of different artefacts about dragons and explained how he created the illustrations for his books.

Then he showed us how to draw a dragon, there are amazing. the next day we painted them and we shall use them for our topic book covers. You will be amazed when you see them.

We were also very lucky to have a visit from Zoolab, teaching us about all different kinds of animals. We even had a snake crawl across our carpet!!!

Friday 7th June

We have had a great start to the new term and have been enjoying our new book ‘The Egg’ by M.P. Robertson.

Have a look at the topic web below to see what we will be learning this term.

We started reading the story and then had to try and work out what was in the egg. After we had all guessed we read the rest of the story and found out it was a dragon!


In the story George and the dragon flew around the world so we decided to make our own world maps naming the continents and oceans. We then made a dragon to fly to the different continents.

Friday 17th May

The last two week we have been busy looking at all the plants and flowers in the school grounds. We went around school to see which wild flower were growing where and plotted them on a map of the school. We found lots of daisies! We then picked two and looked really carefully at them to see how they were the same and how they were different.

We also have finally managed to make our model play equipment that we would add into Percy the Park Keeper's park. We had to work hard to remember the different ways to join and strengthen the materials and how to make a stable structure.

Friday 3rd May

We have had a busy couple of weeks. We were very excited to make a hedgehog hotel for the hedgehog from our book 'After the Storm'. We read a set of instructions to help us build it.

After we had built our hedgehog hotel we wrote our own set of instructions.

As part of our Geography work we have been learning about maps and aerial view. Mrs Hall made a map using the play equipment and then we had to draw a map looking at it from above.

Friday 12th April

We are very excited to be back at school and ready to learn lots of new things linked to our book Percy the Park Keeper – After the Storm by Nick Butterworth. Have a look at our topic web below to see all the things we are going to be learning about.

We have already made a start at learning about plants. We dissected a plant and looked at all the different parts. We learnt the names for all the different parts.

We would like to make a play park to go in Percy’s park. We went to the park next to school to find out about the different structures and mechanisms. We had a little play while we were there.

Friday 1st March

Our book is Lost in the Toy Museum by David Lucas. Have a look at the topic web to see all the exciting learning we will be doing this term.

In science we have learnt lots of new words to describe the properties of materials. We talked about what each of the words meant and then we looked around the classroom for examples.

In Design and Technology we have started learning about mechanisms. We have learnt about pivots, levers and sliders. We have practised making these different mechanisms ready for making our own robot puppet.

Friday 3rd February

We have been having lots of fun learning about our senses in our science work. We have been doing lots of investigations to find out more.

We stated be thinking about how important our sense of sight is. We had the challenge of trying to draw a picture of ourselves when we can't see. It was very tricky and a lot of us were tempted to take a peek!

Then we thought about our sense of taste. We tasted lots of different crisps and we had to try and guess what flavour they were. It was hard than we thought.

We were very excited to have our first turn in the sandpit at lunchtime. It was great fun and we could not stop talking about it when we got back to class.

Friday 12th January

We have had a fantastic start to the term and are enjoying our new book ‘Funnybones’. Here is our topic web to show you all the different things we will be learning this term.

In English we painted Funnybone skeletons and then described the characters thinking about what they did in the story.

We have already learnt the names of the different parts of the body and we had great fun labelling one of our friends.

Friday 10th November

We were very excited when we came back to school as someone had been in our classroom and made a mess. We looked for clues and we think it was the Big Bad Wolf. We made posters to warn everyone to be on the look out!

You might have guessed our class book is The Three Little Pigs. Have a look at our topic web below so you can see all of our exciting learning this term.

Friday 27th October

We have had a fantastic end to a very busy term and I am really proud of how hard you have all worked and what you have achieved. Of course we went on our trip to The Gruffalo Trail and had a really good time even though it was a little bit soggy. 

We made information posters to show everyone all the things you can see and do if you decided to visit the Gruffalo Trail too.

After looking at Digimaps we made our own maps of the Gruffalo Trail.

Friday 13th October

This week we went for a walk around the local area looking for signs of autumn and making careful observations of the different trees we could see.

When we got back to the classroom we drew maps to record our observations.


We have also thought about how trees change through the seasons and made a ‘wheel’ to show these changes.

In maths we have been doing a lot of work on number order. We went onto the playground to draw our own number lines. We then used these to practice our counting and to find the number one more and one less.

Friday 29th September

This week we have been carrying on with our work on instructions. We made owl ice cream and then we wrote a set of instructions to tell the Gruffalo how he could make his own ice cream.

Here are some of our instructions.

We also had our first reading café last Friday. This is a chance for us to enjoy books and stories together. We even have a drink and a snack.

In Year One it is really important we learn to work by ourselves. Mrs Hall set us a challenge to make a Gruffalo face using a paper plate and collage materials. Look at the finished products!

In science we have been learning to name the different parts of a tree. We made a collage tree and then labelled the different parts. We then compared different trees we can find in school.

Welcome to Year One

You have all settled in so well already and shown me that you are ready to learn and I cannot wait to share all the amazing topics and books we are going to be using for our learning this year. Here are just a few photographs of some of the activities and fun we have had in our first days in Year One.

The first book we are using is one of my favourite's ..... Oh help! Oh no! It's the Gruffalo! Have a look at our topic web to see what we are going to be doing in class this term.

The mouse sent us a letter with instructions on How To Make Gruffalo Crumble. We made our own and left them outside for the Gruffalo. He hasn't found them yet but we will keep checking.